Trip Ninja

Developed a high-performance, SEO-optimized Webflow site and a custom JavaScript calculator for Trip Ninja, enhancing their API's marketability and online presence.

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In order to stand out in a crowded industry, we helped Dave Pierce Music to make improvements to both their website and overall brand. We migrated their website from an old host onto Webflow, redesigned it from the ground up to be more visually appealing and easy to navigate, and also added new features such as a comprehensive discography (easily managed by staff) and a dynamic "upcoming events and albums" section on the homepage.


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From The Top

  • Delivered a Webflow site with superior SEO and fast load times.
  • Integrated features like a case-study catalog, blog, and HubSpot.
  • Maintained zero outages since launch.
  • Offered cost-effective, flexible updates on a cost-effective budget.

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  • Technical Development on Webflow: Focused on building a robust, SEO-optimized site that aligned with the client-provided design and content.
  • JavaScript Calculator Implementation: Developed to demonstrate the value of Trip Ninja’s flight sales API.
  • Enhancing User Experience: Worked within the client's design to implement subtle animations and transitions.
  • Resource Integration: Added a case-study catalog and blog, targeting Online Travel Agencies (OTAs).
  • HubSpot Integration: Seamlessly linked the site to business development processes.
  • Adaptive Platform: Enabled ongoing, budget-friendly updates and modifications to support Trip Ninja’s growth.
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The collaboration resulted in a highly stable Webflow site for Trip Ninja, boasting zero outages since its launch. The site's flexibility allowed for continuous adaptation at a fraction of the cost of custom-built platforms. The JavaScript calculator became a key feature, effectively showcasing the API's benefits. Coupled with powerful SEO and a tailored UX design from the client, the website significantly elevated Trip Ninja's online visibility and market position, solidifying their offerings in the competitive OTA landscape.